Looking for Caulfield Racecourse Market?
There have been a few markets listed as “Caulfield Racecourse Market“. Most of these markets have ceased operating as seen here: Markets listed as “No longer operating”
Google searches for Caulfield Racecourse Market typically show outdated listings.
- Caulfield Market at the Racecourse. This market operated on the grounds of the Caulfield Racecourse. This market stopped operating in 2016.
- Caulfield Farmers Market. Organised by In Season Markets. Relocated to Glenhuntly Primary School on Grange Road. Last advertised market was on 9 July 2016.
- Many site’s listing details for Caulfield Racecourse Market are empty.
- Nearby Farmers Markets can be found here.
We are happy to fill the gap left by the Caulfield Racecourse Market.
The Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Community Market offers a mix of fresh farm produce as well as other locally made crafts and goods. For more information contact us at info@caulfieldmarket.au.